Wednesday 22nd Novembre.
Count Pillie FUBAR'S latest recruit |
"Perfezionare" Count Pille thought as he surveyed the emptiness of the piazza.His ruse of sending the three Englishmen to drive around the city in their minicars will divert the polizia from hindering his nefarious plans "Perfezionare".His thoughts were suddenly switched towards the arrival of an English touring coach filled with screaming schoolgirls.What possible danger can they pose?
"What is this(in Italian)? |
Meanwhile on the erstwhile schoolbus a mixture of all years from the St Garvald School for Girls were acting their normal abnoxious selves and thoroughly annoying their chain smoking teachers."Do we have to go and see some rotten church Miss?"
"oh s**t(in Italian)" |
Church in sight |
The girls streamed from their coach and true to form headed off in all directions.Agatha headed completely in the opposite direction looking to create some mischief.
But not for Agatha |
This evening we have returned to the Garvald Film Studios for an adventure involving a heist by Italian thugs led by Count Pille who has just entered the employ of F.U.B.A.R.(Federation United for Baddies And Rascals)and is hoping to earn some kudos with his unforgiving employers who have the most well fed sharks around.
"No guns" |
Count Pille forever the bully decided to walk straight into the local church and abscond with the Black Sicilian Kestrel which lay in the church adorning the alter, as it had done for hundreds of years.Nobody had attempted to steal it as it was believed to have some magic power preventing it from leaving the immediate area.
Surprise! |
Mad Donna |
Jackie the head girl shouted on her girls and led them very disorganized towards the religious building no doubt having some plans of her own which usually involved some pilfering.She had promised Flash Larry,her fence and bookie back home that she would be on the lookout for anything of value and preferably not nailed down.
"Hockey sticks out girls" |
The girls arrived at the front of the church and found their way barred by what they thought were local hoodlums and therefore duly rolled up their blouse sleeves to deal with them.Count Pille's shout for them to move was met by a hockey ball in the mouth carefully targeted by Jackie rendering him totally speechless and in need of some major dentalwork.The remainder of her fellow sixth formers proceeded to charge full pelt into his two unbelieving and unsuspecting lackeys. hockey sticks to the fore.All they could do was put up their arms for protection as the blows rained down.
"Did you cross yourself?" |
A piazza get-together |
Colin Jack,who was in charge of the girls(What a surprise) drew a random event card which switched two of our extras around resulting in Agatha ending up in the fight, with one of my men ending up yards away.I think that he got the best of the switch.
Agatha appears out of nowhere |
And likewise the thug appears next to the coach. |
On hearing this commotion my other group of ne'er do wells led by Mad Donna de Louicia turned around and headed for the sound of wood hitting Italian skulls.The other thug who had just been switched headed for the girl's coach in order to destroy their means of escape.
Count Pillie comes in contact with a hockey ball. |
Goes down again! |
Three strikes and out. |
Count Pillie didn't last much longer before taking his final wound and headed for an early exit.Well it sure beats the shark tank.Mad Donna headed straight into the fight with her machine gun blazing before realising that she couldn't shoot for toffee and finding out her hand to hand skills were even worse.She ended up cornered against a building wondering why she didn't indulge in hockey while at her Italian finishing school.Her two companions turned out to be a lot more smarter than their predecessors and started to use their pistols as Count Pillie had forbidden their use thinking brute force would win the day.A fat lot of good it did him.
Mad Donna wishing she had learned hockey. |
Gun time |
And still they come |
Meanwhile hearing all the commotion two of the fourth years Twinkle and Jen had grabbed the Kestrel and headed for the safety of their coach but as the pair of them crossed the canal bridge Jen wrestled the bird from Twinkles arm,pushed her away and scurried away.
Fourth formers head for safety |
Jen does the dirty |
After Twinkle picked herself up she fired off her loaded catapult at Jen but missed.Jen was heading for the relative safety of the thug who was still trying to put bullets into the defenceless bus and doing an awful lot of missing in the process.
Finally Twinkle closed the gap and with a last pull of her catapult brought down Jen like a crashing deer.Hurrah for Twinkle.
Twinkle takes aim |
Bingo-Twinkle,Twinkle-little star! |
The fight was coming to an end at the other side of the piazza as the thugs who were now leaderless decided to head for the nearest wine bar and drown their sorrows knowing full well that they wouldn't be heading for the shark tank.
A great game enjoyed by all and food for thought-mainly that hockey sticks are deadly in the right hands.
Sorry for quality of pics as I forgot my camera and had to use mobile phone.
Figs(School Girls) + scenery provided by Colin Jack with the Count Pillie and his thugs provided by yours truly.See you all when I see you.
Next week we are heading for Bill G's hacienda for a refight of Little Big Horn using Playmobil figs! Watch this space!