Dateline 10th April 198odd.
Place Dunsapie Town(not far from the Garvald Film Studios)
Junkers W34 forerunner of Tante Ju. |
More groovy planes. |
Downtown Dunsapie. |
Dunsapie Docklands. |
Oot tae sunny Garvald for a rip roaring delve into the realms of 7TV involving British Bobbies,Hispanic gangs,Blade Runner participants and our heroine Gertrude Agnes Winklepicker last seen flying a Gloster Meteor out of the renegade state of Graustark.Once again welcome to the world of El Presidente.
Waiting on a ride. |
That film is showing everywhere. |
Things to come. |
The source of my investigation. |
On arrival I found the table had been set up to the usual high standards of El Presidente with a town supplemented by a harbour and the landing spot for a seaplane that El Presidente had picked up and was itching to get into a game.It was to provide one of the plot points with which Oor Andrew had to find.Also set up was the gang’s compound from which he was to venture out and purloin some goodies.Oor Andrew was given charge of a Hispanic gang which was to provide backup for his nefarious schemes and these were to support the actions of their leader who came in the guise of a Samuel L Jackson lookalike.My force for good consisted of the aforementioned Gertrude Agnes Winklepicker backed up by the local forces of law and order complemented by another relation of Dorcas Knight,Starry Knight who proved to be worse than useless.At least she drove the police car and its inhabitants to their ultimate demise.Lurking amongst both of our groups were individuals from Blade Runner.My two were Roy and Zhora who we are led to believe witnessed a raid on a local garage.Oor Andrew’s two misfits were actually categorised as hostages and they came in the form of Pris and Leon.El Presidente had come up with a side story of all four of the miscreants become targets of the Tyrell Corporation and runners backed up by Rachel hunting them down.
The sicarios hideout. |
More downtown pre action. |
Not a lot doing. |
Waiting on the price to rise. |
The game kicked off in the usual way with everybody jumping into their cars and heading for their objectives.Gertrude Agnes Winklepicker had said a sad farewell to her previous companion who went by the name of Jim.His replacement came in the form of Dougie who came with a terrifying snarl but little else as we found out to our dismay.My inhabited police car headed rapidly towards the garage with Starry Knight driving and Sergeant Pearly White hanging on for grim death as the car hurtled towards its destiny and a lot of bullets in the process.Gertrude tried her hardest to keep up with the police car but the drawing of a countdown card meant that Getrudes’s motor bike had stalled and she couldn’t move for a turn.
Horsing about. |
Another short of the Dunsapie airport. |
The forces of good and evil meet. |
The heroines and heroes answer the call. |
Starry Knight had arrived at the side of the garage just in time to be met with a hail of bullets from the bad guys.The majority of the bad guys were being driven in a large black Citroen DS straight out of Day of the Jackal and wasted no time in blasting away at my white Ford Granada.Andrew’s driver nicknamed the Chuffer produced a machine gun and proceeded to spray and aerate my newly valeted car doing away with poor Starry in the process as well as the two members of the public who had reported the disturbance at the garage who just happened to be Roy and Zhora.Sergeant Pearly was not amused and proceeded to shoot back but to no avail.
Bullets and horses**t a flying. |
Dougie lurches in. |
Here comes the Tyrell Investigative Corporation arrive. |
This would have been Mr Ray’s gang if he hadn’t been away on a comeback tour. |
My other three members of the local constabulary had changed tack and instead of following the Granada headed towards the sound of the over revving Peugeot which was in the process of taking Samuel towards his first objective but on seeing the Peugeot reversing back towards the ensuing fracas decided again to change tack and head towards their beleaguered colleagues.It was during this exchange of gunfire a wild accusation was thrown in my direction about how I still had a lot of plot points remaining in my pool and since I wasn’t allowed to debate the point using arm wrestling I duly informed the opposition that I had used my plot points rather candidly but the sounds of derision still echoed round the room.
Dougie is still hanging on but not for long. |
Amidst all this accusation hoohaa Sergeant Pearl had replied with her revolver and scored an immediate hit on one of the sicarios sending him spinning into oblivion.This sound of gunfire and the doing away of a further two replicants who were actually hostages brought the attention of three of the remaining Tyrell Investigative Corporation who proceeded to head for Oor Andrew’s sicarios doing away with one in the process.After this deed was done they just melted into the background their part in the game over.
Bing warbles a song. |
My three remaining very special constables emerged from the side street and headed for the cover of the bullet riddled Granada.This drew them to the attention of the Samuel L Jackson lookalike and the newly arrived Foxy Loxy.Eventually joining the fracas Gertrude sent the snarling Dougie into biting range of the Chuffer meaning she was pinned.Dougie seemed up to the task even although the evil opposition had already dealt him a wound.Wait till the Garvald S.P.C.A.get to hear about this especially as Oor Andrew is a dog owner! The Chuffer was joined in the fight by another sicario and both of them combined to do away with poor Dougie.Looks like another trip to the Cat and Dog home for Gertrude.
Gertrude hides behind the Land Rover. |
Sergeant Pearl finally gave up the ghost and went down to another cowardly sicario shot.Since Chuffer had been released from Dougie’s snarling fangs she meted out revenge courtesy of her machine gun and done away with two of my constables and inflicting a couple of wounds on poor Gertrude.Due to the vagaries of the game my lot had to perform which was basically a bottle test which they failed and Gertrude was last seen heading towards Seafield Cat and Dog home to replace Dougie.She would probably be better buying a second hand tiger.
And is finally seen heading for the Cat and Dog home. |
Once again another great game played out to the usual cat calling and accusations.All figs,scenery and scenario provided from the vault of El Presidente’s mansion.We’re still a bit underwhelmed by the new rules and we usually refer to the earlier rules for clarifications especially this time concerning more than two characters being involved in fisticuffs.
See You All When I See You and hopefully with some solo games to bolster up my silly game playing.
This has been a Garvald Film Studios Production.