Friday, 31 March 2023

The Svalbardians are coming,The Svalbardians are coming!

 Wednesday 29th March,

Location- some nameless Canadian Airfield High In The Rocky Garvald Mountains.

Quiet time at the airfield.

Canadian Sabre.

Airport Car Park.

        After a gap of which seems ages normal service was resumed on the gaming front with a visit to some obscure airfield hiding some experimental aircraft and some purloined equipment making it so called easy pickings for some philandering Svalbardians or roaming aliens complete with The Mekon in tow.The local militia and Mounties were having none it.Rules for this evening were the Xenos Rampant rules which although having a hint of outer space sci-fi were going to be used in this not so future game based on some well stocked Canadian airbase which has a reminiscence of Fort Churchill. The toys involved tonight were as spectacular as always.You can never have enough Dinky Toys on display.

Various Rocketry.

The boys are back.

Engine Service.

R.C.M.P on stakeout.

        Tonight’s Mcguffin was the appropriation of various crates scattered around the base with added bonuses for the eradication of the enemy be they earthly or outer worldy.Each player was equipped with a couple of infantry squads backed up by various vehicles/guns.Comrade Gilchristi as always was in charge of the Svalbard Soviets,El Presidente took charge of the Mekon led aliens whilst I took a stand for dear old Canada by taking charge of the local militia supported by the Mounties.

Advanced Aeroplanes.

PT 76.

The Mounties are here.

                  Once again the game kicked off with everybody heading for the nearest crates to get some booty under their belts before engaging the enemy.The vagaries of these rules are unless you are souper dooper you can only move or shoot so one has to choose wisely.Also unless your unit has free shooting or moving you have to command them and if you fail your turn is over.My plan as always was to charge in and end the game quickly.One day that is going to work but not tonight.My lads headed straight across the airfield ready to die for Canada.My armoured vehicle came in the form of a Saracen armoured personnel carrier but under these rules it was armed with a gun.A bit abstract but hey ho.My nearest enemy was the alien laser gun that was making an appearance in my gun sight but initial shots went wildly astray making my Saracen the object of the laser guns desires.

Servicing the Shooting Star.

The Lasgun cometh.

The Svalbardians are coming.

                Meanwhile the Svalbardians were making an appearance on the other side of the table with a PT76 leading the charge backed up by various NEO Svalbard squads one which just happened to be female festooned with Soviet uniform.Well it is El Presidente’s dojo.The object of their desire were the yellow clad aliens belonging to El Presidente.One of the aliens met their demise and Bill was off to a good start.
Super spy NPC.

Servicing the Shooting Star.

The PT76 moves forward.

The Laser Gun.

          My Saracen began to take hits but in the good old traditional Canadian way kept on returning fire until El Presidente finally got lucky with his purple dice of death and done away with my Saracen.Revenge will be sought immediately-maybe!The Svalbardians began to swoop over all the airfield buildings causing the aliens to dither and eventually take more casualties.My lads were up for it though and saw an opportunity to move round the side of the hangar and deal some Canadian justice among these Svalbardian interlopers.I thought I was about to succeed when Bill decided to move back out the hangar and confront my lads.A firefight commenced with casualties being taken on both sides and both squads thinking wisely that retreating (sorry regrouping)would be a good option.Comrade Gilchristi was having a very productive evening with his destruction of El Presidente’s infantry giving him a chance to fire on the laser gun.My militia meanwhile were hoping to do away with the laser gun but the gun backed up by the Mekon proved a step too far and ended up with my second militia squad heading back to the Rockies.

The Mounties taking cover.

Various rocketry.

The Mekon hides behind a police car.

Airport fire engine.

     The Mountie squad were faring better with the collecting of crates and getting to grips with the Svalbardians causing them to retire out of shooting range.This was only a hindrance to the Svalbardians as their other squads were dealing with the alien interlopers including the laser gun. The game fizzled out so victory points were divvied up and lo and behold a victory for the Svalbardian invaders was proclaimed.

The Laser gun turns it’s attention towards Comrade Bill.

The female Soviets indulging in some tennis.

The Svalbardians digging in.

El Presidente’s remnants scatter.

My Saracen simmering.

     Yet another great game with a great number of toys on display all from the collection of El Presidente.

          Hopefully this’ll be the start of a productive spring and summer.See You All When I See You!

This has been a Garvald Film Studios Production.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great evening for my Svalbardian Soviets. Great to be back in action in sunny Garbald.
