Thursday, 15 December 2022

What A Difference A Pizza Break Makes!

 Wednesday -14th December,

 Place-Still in some Black and White Solar System.

Rick Rhodes is on his way.

     This weeks second game instalment saw us back in the universe of Rick Rhodes and the Space Pirates.It was a bit of a follow on to Monday’s premier episode but although this evening’s was the second instalment only one of the previous main characters was involved as this evening’s episode introduced us to Rick Rhodes a sort of amalgamation of Flash Gordon and Buck Rodgers.

“Wagons Ho!”

The Golden Horn of the Plate.

Looks better from a distance.

       The story behind tonight’s game was that after the end of the last game which saw Captain Vana escape into her spaceship with Prince Leon over her shoulder,Rick Rhodes turns up at the pirate fortress of King Iago,Varna’s father,to look for the return of Prince Leon but finds out that Iago knew nothing about his daughter’s misdemeanours and turns petulant when he is accused.The action takes place in the ice throne room and involves and the objective token is situated in the middle of a floating platform used for fisticuffs to keep the king amused.Once again who writes this stuff and why aren’t they wearing a straight jacket.Around the centre of the arena were cages were poor Thralls  were kept ready to be used for the king’s amusement.

Rick Rhodes in all his glory.

The girly rocketeers.

“Yes I can definitely say it’s a plate!”

           The game kicked off with El Presidente’s four rocket pack equipped Radiam Rangers heading for the centre of the table in order to abscond with the objective token but the King had headed for the ring and had his bow equipped Glacian guards do away with the Radium Ranger who had descended on the token looking to earn some brownie points.First Blood!This early victory was nullified by the rapid demise of the majority of my Glacian Raiders who by the look of them were on leave from their service to the Mekon.Two Thirds of their number were quickly dispatched but some revenge was achieved by the remainder inflicting another casualty on the Radium Rangers.My giant Frost bear headed for these interlopers but alas when he neared them they just rocketed off.One of the Raiders opened the door of one of the Thrall’s cages only to find that the incumbent wasn’t very friendly and went for them.Rick Rhodes laughed and proceeded to open the one he was standing in front off only to be met with the same reception.      

“Lead on Boss!”

“Cafe Latte,Please.”

The Thrall appears-More like a bird with a gun?

   My lads headed for the interlopers en masse in which could have been described as a large skirmish line but this was due to the leadership value of King Iago.This was just at pizza break time so we headed off through the still lying snow towards the local hostelry to enjoy the novelty of Festive pizzas-only in Garvald.I felt very confident about the second half but I think the Christmas pudding I had for dessert seemed to tip the balance towards El Presidente’s mob for my fortunes took a real nosedive at the start of the second half.

“I asked for a Latte not a babe with a grenade?”

A Ranger about to leg it from the bear.

This pic is actually out of sequence,it should have come before the last one-Sorry!

      King Iago had just arrived at the centre of the arena when Rick Rhodes complete with rocket pack who had already arrived in the middle was trying to take possession of the objective token. The king and his guards immediately fired at Rhodes but an ice pistol and bows were no match for him.Commander Zann, the only survivor from the previous game,was furiously guiding the Lion men under his wing towards the rapidly approaching Glacian brute and his pal the Brawler whilst he took pot shots at my rapidly approaching sabre toothed slingers.  He immediately knocked one down.Wait till I tell the Saturnian S.P.C.A! The two thirds of the Lion Guards took on my Brute and Brawler and done well for themselves even ignoring the effects of some terror gas that was thrown on them.

Down to business.

“I’m the King of the Castle and you’re all dirty wee rascals!”

Once again out of sequence.

        Whilst Rick Rhodes was dealing with the rocking effects of the central arena his rapidly diminishing Radium Rangers were finishing off my Galatian Raiders as well as keeping a safe distance from the bounding bear that was trying to eat them.The last remaining Raider had made her way around the back of the King’s party taking out one of the Royal guards in the process.Commander Zann had now helped to dispatch both of my sabre toothed slickers and was directing one of the Lion Guards towards the central arena where Rhodes had fired a lucky shot incapacitating King Iago.

Zann about to P’Off the Saturn S.P.C.A.

“I’ll get you bitch!”

Rick Rhodes edges towards the nitrogen but still waylays Iago.

      Although the Brute and the Brawler were holding their own ,due to the rules of the game I had to do a Cast Axed roll,rather like a bottle test,I failed it so it was game over.Victory to the forces of Rick Rhodes.

Back in the middle.

Time for the Terror gas.

Luckily for her butt the game ended.

     A great game which would have been even better if I had rolled better dice.C’est la Guerre!

       All figures and scenery were provided by El Presidente.

        See You All Soon for a report of our Christmas game which will involve girls from St Garvald’s School for Promiscuous Girls hunting for Christmas Pudding,

       This has been a Garvald Film Studios Production.

“That Festive Pizza looks braw!”

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