Thursday, 10 March 2022

Police Brutality versus Headless Chickens!

 Wednesday 9th March.

             This evening found us out at the Garvald Film Studios indulging in a 7TV game involving the Lurkers of the Deep but was played sans any Lurkers as the game only lasted into the second chapter-just!

Downtown Marsport

Only One Owner.

Local Transit.

El Presidente had just cleared the games table of the Starport game that had attracted our attention for the last few weeks.Tonight’s game involved the evil professor Fiske trying to bring into this world some evil hybrid fish folk but was thwarted by the local police who as well as bringing along some weapons also brought along some good dice rolls for good measure.

The Good Guys-sort off!

The Fishfolk Making Machine 

The Forces of Law and Disorder!

               The bad guys were all placed around the professor’s evil machine and before they could produce some walking cod,were fired upon by the local constabulary without even a warning being shouted.This made my men think that the best way was the highway and therefore like headless chickens they headed for all points of the compass even although the objective apart from preservation of the device was to escape either to the east or west.Obviously my poor lads were denied their rights as arresting was the last thing on the minds of the bobbies as Andrew who was in charge of them obviously wanted a quick result so he could indulge in more of the ale he was quaffing.

Picking on the Little Guy 

Before the onslaught.

Shir Shaun.

             Two of his officers ganged up on one of my poor unsuspecting lads who was just passing the time indulging in some fresh air,threw him straight on the ground and dispatched him without even giving him the offer of probation.This set the scene for even more brutality as across the other side of the yard ,El Presidente was dispatching one of my lads courtesy of a Shir Shaun figure.Obviously my lad couldn’t understand his Edinburgh acshint and went down like a bag o tatties!

Making a break for it.

My Sharpshooteress stepping out.

               A bit of revenge came about when my female sharpshooter stepped away from her day job of minding the professor’s machine and fired her Tommy gun at the two cowardly rozzers hiding behind some crates.Success but only one target was taken out leaving the other one counting his Hail Mary’s.

Shir Shaun moves up.

        Another one of my lads had freedom in his grasp when he went down courtesy of some meddling amateur sleuth with nothing else to bide his time away but shooting people in the back.My unfortunate lad’s partner in crime(allegedly)dived behind some sandbags and returned fire but without any luck.This unfortunate lad’s gunfire drew gunfire from the remainder of the ambushers and due to some lawful trait his cover was negated and he soon went down albeit with guns blazing.
Professor Fiske alone but definitely not intimidated.

              This was the bad guys down to three and this was further reduced by my girl sharpshooter being gunned down by Shir Shaun and his two accomplices in the back.Further police brutality where not even a girl is safe.Professor Fiske had some revenge by throwing vial of liquid over Shir Shaun making him neurotic and waylaying him for a bit.My bruiser was also trying to get within punching range but being the true cowards they were the police officers just stood back and “let him have it”meaning my lad went down powerless.More police brutality!

A neurotic Shir Shaun.

                Professor Fiske was on his own and the forces of law and order were encircling him so his plan was to throw another vial at one of the police extras and turn him into one of the Fishfolk but alas the vial landed short and the Professor was forced to try and break through the cordon but alas he went down in a fusillade of bullets-Or did he???????????? Watch this space!

The Professor’s last stand-or is it?

            Yet another dip into one of the 7TV offshoots taking us back into the serial days of our youth and the Saturday afternoon matinees complete with black and white appetiser.A great game played with the usual accusations and aspersions but all pals at the palais afterwards.

       Thanks to El Presidente for putting the game on and providing the figs and scenery.

                See You All When I See You.

              This has been a Garvald Film Studios Production.


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