Friday 10th September.
- An unusual evening for a game but due to sheep needing to be shown and wives needing haircuts the only evening spare was Friday so the Stargrave board was set up for an encounter between the crew of the Liberator from Blake’s Seven and a crew of Colin Jack type figures i.e females,from where they came from he can’t remember.He has various gangs made up all ready for Stargrave ranging from Captain Nemo’s crew to the crew of the Serenity with numerous factions in between.
Another great setup. |
One of the random spaceships. |
Colin’s gang lines up. |
Liberator crew. |
Another spacecraft. |
I must admit I had to sit and think about the Liberator crew as I haven’t watched it for a long time and was pleasantly surprised that Glynis Barber was in it and her character in the game was the most successful before her demise which was par for the course of many of my characters due to Colin’s constant accuracy with a grenade launcher .The game once again as these games usually do,started with everybody making a beeline for the nearest loot be it solid loot or a data bank. I have realised in this game that it is a good idea to keep gang members beside the captain and the first mate as any stragglers have to wait till the end for their activation but being together played right into Colin and his grenade launcher’s hands.My team split up up and headed for their respective chosen loot counters with Colin’s gang doing likewise .
Colin’s gang heads out.
My crew being waylaid. |
One of his many falls.
Colin’s femme fatales. |
The thing with these games is that they are just games involving shooting and looting so it was a matter of just man (or girl) standing their ground and this was to be the menu for this evening’s play.As my mate’s squad led by Jenna headed down the left flank it was met by an accurately placed grenade from one of Colin’s mob which set the scene for the evening’s play.Jenna took a lot of hits and this was to play a big part in her quick demise which upset my plans and made the rest of her squad be among the last to activate.
Gan goes down. |
And again. |
This is how it’s done on Danger 5. |
Across the other side of the board Blake’s gang were meeting some serious opposition from two feline like creatures dug in behind a concrete block.Blake himself was having an evening of being the target of Colin’s advances as he kept on falling down and needing to be regenerated to give him some health back.Meanwhile Avon was just sauntering towards the nearest data bank hoping nobody would see him.
Villa goes down. |
Blake finally leaves the premises. |
The bounty hunter arrives. |
A random part of the game were the four spaceships that were placed on the board and could take off at any minute.This time one did and it was the one next to Jenna and her gang causing singed hair all around.This was the last straw for Jenna and she literally disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving the other three on their “Jack Jones”.As they couldn’t really do anything else they just kept up a hail of fire but this wasn’t to be enough as the next random event saw the arrival of a bounty hunter to which nobody knew who the bounty was.
The first pirate arrives. |
The “wuffians appear.” |
Cally gets an Afro. |
Blake was still going up and down like a tart’s knickers and it was left to the Soolin character and the Deyna character to do the damage.With one lucky shot Deyna done away with one of Colin’s figures who tried peeking around a corner only to met with a laser blast-Booyah!This wasn’t to last for long as next Cally had her hair permed by another nearby spaceship taking off.This also heralded the arrival of a couple of “wuffians”to annoy my gang even more.The only good thing was that they only lasted a couple of turns before they were turned into molten protein.
“Climb every mountain.” |
Colin’s gang meanwhile were on easy street especially as they had quickly took control of two loot stacks ,one being a data base so it was easier to carry.Actually the one that took control of the solid looked was armed with a dirty great big hammer and looked like she wasn’t going to take any prisoners.Everything seemed to be plain sailing for Colin as he also took care of the materialising bounty hunter only for it to be replaced by the start of hordes of pirates who started to invade the board from all sides.
More pirates arrive. |
Colin’s gang dwindling. |
Seeing the arrival of these pirates I decided it was time to head for the proverbial hills as my extra from Danger 5 had finally taken control of a solid loot counter and decided the best form of action was to follow Avon of the board.By this time Soolin had succumbed to laser blast fire from Colin’s gang and Cally had died with her calfskin boots on so it was left for Deyna to provide covering fire for the loot carriers.Avon escaped with his booty but the Danger 5 interloper was gunned down in the back and was last seen slumped over the downed loot box.
An amazing spacecraft made from a cassette courtesy of Oor Shug. |
That was my game over but Colin was still in the middle of a fighting retreat and although Miss Hammertime had made it of the board the rest of her gang were fighting and dying trying to protect the data that had been purloined from the top of the central building.She managed to finally reach safety but the rest of the crew were dying to a man fighting against the ever increasing hordes of pirates who were arriving.
Danger 5 man -so near yet so far. |
A great game played to the end for once with Colin coming out slight victor due to his ability to do away with my gang using plenty grenades in the process.All figures,scenery and scenario provided by mein host with a pre-game repast provided by Duchess of Garvald.What more could one ask for.The next time we play I think it’s time to bring in Diana and the visitors!
This has been a Garvald Film Studios Production!
See you all when I see you!😎