Thursday, 19 August 2021

Missy,Missy let’s get busy!

 Wednesday 18th August.

A half decent PM. 

The Japanese contingent 

RAF base somewhere in Britain.

                  Headed out to the Garvald Film Studios this evening in anticipation of a great evening’s gaming as I got to choose this evening’s game. I plumped for a 7TV game with lots of toys and a silly storyline as always.This evening’s plot was to involve a joint venture between the British government and a Japanese conglomerate to launch twin misses into space to be able to spy on a certain foreign power and of course this power was having none of it so they sent in a team of assassins to solve the problem and of course in Colin’s world they were all female-what a surprise.

Plenty of toys.

And even more toys.

The Brits gather.

                 When I arrived the British and Japanese teams had all been set up so they were placed on the table ready for the off whereas Colin’s femme fatales were all left off the table ready to sneak on and do their worse.By the time this was all done it was pizza and ale time so we trooped of to the pub and partook of said vitals being joined by oor Andrew in the pub.After the repast was done away with we headed back to the film studio fortified and ready for an evening of skullduggery.

Missy and her mob skulk around the hangar..

An assassin appears

And goes down.

Japanese bodyguards.

                  Andrew took charge of the British whilst I took on the role of the Japan business man and his entourage.The game started as usual with both allied teams heading for the victory point stashes with Andrew succeeding straight away with his start on the victory dance.My lads decided to first head for the main objective and hopefully the British prime minister would follow hirsute whilst the remainder would defend the motorcade.This was a fine plan until one of Colin’s females appeared on top of a lorry and proceeded to fire at my unsuspecting bodyguards causing them  to take wounds and dive for cover.They both returned fire and done away with the shooter.

P.C Karen Gillan appears.

Another assassin about to bite the dust.

“Don’t scratch my car!”

                         Colin’s girls all started to appear and a Karen Gillan lookalike kitted out in a police uniform appeared beside a lorry and started to fire on some more of my squad.Andrew’s gang started to return fire with what looked like Disco Stu out of the Simpson’s returning fire on the policewoman having safely stashed the victory points away.Colin had to nip away and attend to the livestock and left his figures  to our honesty.We were that honest that we done away with another one of his gang members.Colin returned just in time for his policewoman figure to do away with not one but two of my figures one of them being my second in charge.His femme fatale figure Missy was edging her way around the hangar supported by one of her minions and was hoping to dash on and do away with both VIPs’before they could push the historic button to launch both rockets.Andrew’s leader/prime minister had arrived at the launch room and was twiddling her thumbs waiting on my boss who had just been catapulted back a few metres due to some mysterious explosion that Colin had conjured up from a random event card so he was going to be slightly delayed.Not your usual Japanese efficiency.    

The P.M arrives.

Shooting past a fire engine.

Disco Stu takes cover.

Missy and the P.M.

                            My other assistants were slowly making their way towards the victory counters and had managed to procure a couple before deciding that helping their boss was actually the main objective.A couple of Andrew’s bodyguards were getting into a firefight with one of Colin’s femme fatales in the hangar and wear making a meal of it with even grenades not providing solving the problem.They actually cancelled each other out.The policewoman advanced towards her boss when she was taken out ignominiously by Disco Stu,not Karen’s finest hour and she didn’t even have her Jumanji respawn.

And she goes down.

Picking up another victory marker.

                My Oyabun had by this time picked himself up and was heading towards the launch building passing Andrew’s sergeant who was in the process of dispatching another beautiful assassin.Colin tried another one of his mysterious explosions but the boss just sneered and entered the building to witness Andrew’s boss going manicured fingernail to manicured fingernail with Colin’s head honcho.

Victory to the good guys.

Now you see her-

Now you don’t!

                What followed was best described as a scrap of attrition with Andrew’s boss and mine trading shots with Missy,the chief assassin who was being protected by an invulnerable trait which was proving to be a pain.She was also equipped with a sidestepping trait meaning every time I wanted to indulge in hand to hand with my sleek katana she avoided it with ease. The only answer was just to stand back and blast away which on the last turn was to prove fruitful eventually doing away with this adversary .

More toys.

Nice police van.

The sight of the the two victorious leaders standing over the temporarily defeated Missy brought a smile to the allies faces but I’m sure she’ll return in one form or another to torment us in the near future.

             Another great game brought to you be the Garvald Film Studios and my thanks to Colin who provided all figures,scenery and scenario.See you all soon as we head into Autumn with two game shows on the horizon with Carronade being a possible and Partizan being very probable.

           This has been a Garvald Film Production.



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