Saturday, 6 July 2019

La Veneti Sex-Hopefully Somebody Knows Latin Donald?

Wednesday 3rd July.

                                   This Wednesday's Garvald Film Production saw us back in 18th century Venice and another evening of Carnevale but this time with six participants.It was a pleasant change to play a nice little skirmish game without the seriousness of the historical games we have been playing the past few weeks not that I take any game serious.
Streets of Venice with new buildings.
      Five of us turned up for the kick off and Andrew joined us later.The gangs were divvied up and Donald being the only one that hadn't played was given a quick run through(and not with a sword).My gang was the Strigoi which was basically a gang of vampires who couldn't move very fast even the ones who could jump from roof to roof.My only plus was that one of them was aquatic(i.e could swim)and he would come in useful for my sneaky plans providing he could keep out of the way of Donald's ugly companions.
Good Vs Evil-depending on whose side you are on.
           As usual in these games as soon as the whistle goes everybody charges into each other looking for a scrap except my gang who just basically ambled.Bill went straight for the first "Deed Bodie" and cried "Thurs been a murder!"in Latin and loaded it up ready to take it to some willing surgeon with lira to burn.The rest of his gang split up and his high priest decided to separate and charge straight over a bridge hoping to purge Donald's evil crew.Well that I'm sure would keep Donald out of my creature's slimy hair as he went about his creepy task.

Chick fight.
My Strige which was basically a vampire with a flying ability perched herself on a roof ready to pounce on Dave's catburglar but was caught short giving Dave a chance to fire on it with his female sharpshooter.This he did very successfully making my creature recoil in pain.My other gang members slowly made their way towards Dave's earth bound characters with my crossbow armed twosome letting off quarrels without ding any real damage.
Donald's Downwater Ditherers.
                 A big scrap was developing between Bill's priest and Donald's creatures and fair play to Bill he was holding his own against Donald's hordes,at one time throwing Donald's mage into the murky canal water.Bill's other figures were roaming the centre of Venice and coming into contact with Andrew's roaming band with first Andrew taking a potshot at Bill's cross wielding priest,giving the priest an excuse to run in and indulge in fisticuffs with Andrew's masked assailant.No sooner had the skirmish begun when Bill's other cross bearing member appeared.
Looking for converts.
       Meanwhile Bill's female contingent came into contact with the remainder of Andrew's mob and a monumental chick fight began.Meanwhile Dave's White Dove had swooped in and was having an argument about the possession about the dead body and I assure you that feathers were flying.
Part of "The Gangs's Of Rome"game on the next table.
                   This was to be norm for the rest of the evening which suited me as my plan was basically to act like Donald and skulk,rewarding myself with objectives rather than victims as I knew my vampirish gang wouldn't go well in hand to hand.
Bill's Vatican Horde.

Bill's transportation disturb by Dave's White Dove.

Man humphing big cross!

Dave's cat burglar actually doing not a lot.

Dave's gang congregate.

Donald's aquatic thugs gather.

Blue gondola-80 euros to hire per hour at 2018 prices.
Some have their crosses to bear!

Dave's sharpshooter waiting to do away with my aquatic female.

And Bill's Mage still holds on'

And he's still fighting off that beast.

The return of the legged shark.

Andrew's wee pot shot.

My gang finally hobbles into contact.

Taking up the rear.
Colin piles them on his gondola.

Group huddle.

The piazza before the storm.

As I said 80 euros a pop.

Where Venice meets Rome.
                                                  The final whistle soon reared its ugly head with bodies strewn all over the place,some in the water.I achieved my goal by taking two of the objectives whilst everybody else was knocking five spots out of each other so victory was mine leading to sneers from Mr O'Brien.Ah Ces't La Vie.That's what he gets for putting me in charge last week.
                                                      All figs,scenery and scenario were provided by Colin Jack and once again the customary pizzas and foaming ale provided by the local hostelery-The Garvald Inn.
                                                               See You All When I See You.

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