Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Sick of the Sikh wars

                    Wednesday 28th March
The evil axis of Garvald

                                                            Driving out to sunny Garvald on a sunny spring evening this evening hoping to partake in an evening's gaming entertainment I found myself transported back into the days of the Indian Mutiny and faced with hundreds of revolting tribesmen backed up by their lackies under the watchful eye of the Khasi of North Berwick Mr David O'Brien who amongst other things is  the unscrupulous owner of that good for nothing rag the Dah-li Sun where the truth never gets in the way of a good story.Aiding and abetting him was our host for the evening our very own Colin Jack who had placated us with good food and therefore no blame for the Khasi's heinous actions against our Good Queen Victoria's humble people shall rest on his shoulders.
Our gallant defenders getting ready
                                                                    Bill Gilchrist was my partner in crime for the evening and we took on the role of the oft picked on British forces of righteousness and fair game.Actually the forces seemed very Scottish inclined with names like Gough,Pennycuick and Hoggan whereas the dastardly enemy sounded like a church choir as they were all named Singh.Talk about keeping it in the family.
The evil Khasi using his drone to spy.

Elephants are never in a hurry

The nefarious rebels without a clue
                                          The actual battle fought was the battle Of Chillianwala in 1849 during the second Sikh war.I would imagine that they were sikh of the first war so they decided to have a second.
And their evil companions.

Intelligent to the top of his cavalry boots
                          Both sides lined up facing each other among the palm trees and also standing on Colin's oft used bear skin which has been used for many a battle from Italy to 19th century Japan.
                                      When the game started Bill's and I had planned to move swiftly across the board and engage the forces of the usurpers and after showing them good old British steel put them to flight and be home in time for tea.
I hope that second elephant hasn't had too much curry.

The forces of right.

Even more forces of right.
                                    The diabolical Khasi of North Berwick had other nefarious ideas that I'm still working out.His forces decided not to play cricket and held my forces charge and even had the audacity to send his Akali fanatics around my flank to engage my already shaken infantry.Not the act of a gentleman.My valiant cause was hindered by the fact that my supporting cavalry and artillery decided to moveum my arseum and stood and watched as my infantry charged in with nothing behind them except thin air.
My cavalry and artillery having a natter.
                                           Bill's gallant lads had decided to advance all asunder and was having a better time of keeping his forces together and actually doing some damage to Colin's bad guys whereas mine where all spread out in a bunch.
Whilst the evil artillery prepare their salvos of doom!

Backed up by some lackies.
                                                    The evil Khasi of North Berwick sneered and continued the deadly hail of fire on my innocent and unsuspecting lads who only thought that they were coming to watch a cricket match and found themselves confronted by the most evil man this side of Santa Claus.
"Will we or will we not?"
                                                                On eventually moving my cavalry out of way of my artillery they found themselves under fire from cowardly forces who had made their way into the nearby village and after evicting the innocent locals took possession of their humble abodes.Never the less they held their ground and after dusting down their beautiful blue coats proceeded to charge the Khasi's marauding Akali forcing them to retire to the hole from which they had emerged from.This did little to avenge the fallen comrades who had given their lives in order to rid the world of these evil Khasis.
Altogether now.
                                                            Bill and Colin meanwhile were going for the last man standing routine with Colin's forces dropping like flies-that's what comes of too much curry-whilst after seeing his proud cavalry decimated by some very irregular cavalry and finding himself severely depleted forces wise  Bill decided on a consultation with myself and we decided to advance to the rear,lick our wounds and prepare for some revenge of biblical standard.
Whereas mine's are at sixes and sevens
                                                               A great game played out in the best gentlemanly fashion of our proud East India company members even although we were goaded by the Khasi and his minions.Revenge will be swift mark my words or something along these lines.
Dusted down and ready for revenge!
                                               Thanks to Colin for putting on the game and also providing us with an excellent repast.He's making his way through Nigella's latest book and I'm extremely happy being a guinea pig.Next week's game is called off because of what is becoming a very usual occurence-snow in April so I'll see you when I see you.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyable game - there was not much left of my command by the end. Too many cunning ploys the by Khasi.
