Thursday, 17 August 2017

All Veniced Out!

Wednesday 16th August.

            Colin "What else can we use the Venetian scenery for?"
            Myself "Pass"
            Colin "How about Blake's 7?"
            Myself "Novel"

                             And so it came to pass that this weeks Garvald film production was going to involve a Blake 7 scenario in Venice.Why not the scenery was already set up and like a true cheap television production was not to be wasted.

Three exterior film sets before filming.
As I said this weeks production was to be an episode of  Blake's 7 involving an attempt by members of the Liberator's crew to steal a Maguffin from the greedy hands of the Federation who unknown to the teleporting party had laid an ambush hoping to do away with this blight on their perfectly drugged society.
Heroes and Villians
My teleporting party which consisted of the characters Jenna,Dayna,the cowardly Villa with Orac in tow and of course the man himself Blake all suitably attired for a night out in Venice,landed on the outskirts of town and began to slowly make their way towards their objective which was situated in Colin's brand new building which had definitely a religious look about it but I'm sure in this timespace it would be surplus to requirements.
Their teleporting coordinates were lucky as they just about teleported off the table.
Colin's villianous rabble consisting of Travis,about a dozen Federation security men ably overseen by the gorgeous Servalan.
Skulking in Venice.

Servalan being sneaky-gorgeously sneaky though.
After landing I split up my party mainly to enhance the plot and have some nice shooty shooty.At first it all went my way until I read that we had misread one of the extras buit into the characters which evened up the game a bit more
Dividing up with conquering in mind.

"You carry on Blake and I'll just check this fountain"
My Blake character headed straight for the building in question with Villa literally crawling behind him but was intercepted by Travis and some guards on a canal bridge where a gunfight ensued.Blake was caught in the open but gave a good account of himself especially when he was eventually joined by Villa cowering behind the bridge support.
"Move oh faithful Lackeys!"

Travis about to be zapped.

"I'll be with you in a minute"
Jenna and Dayna had meanwhile decided to circumvent these ambushers by by crossing another canal bridge only to be met by Servalan and the remainder of the guards resulting in another fire fight.
Long range zapping fire!
The evening was turning out to be one of attrition with Blake realising that numbers usually prevail in a gunfight even with the support of Villa and although Blake gave a good account of himself taking out Travis in the process succumbed to the overwhelming numbers of the security guards.This was enough incentive for Villa to act the part by retreating into the cover of a nearby water fountain.
Blake intending to take one with him.Villa hoping Blake'll take both to save his snivering hide.
 Similarly across the other side of the canal the girls where having a hard time trading shots with Servalan and her lackeys with Dayna going down in a hail of blaster fire giving Jenna the chance to retreat behind the cover of a canal bridge. 
Standing behind a minion for cover.

Blocking Jenna's shot.
Wishing to keep the momentum going Servalan and her two remaining guards rushed Jenna's bridge with Servalan using her guards as a human shield and also having the benefit of drawing a chance card stating that I couldn't shoot at her meaning her guards were about to be sacrificial pawns for the greater good.
Time for the usual baddy/goody chit chat giving Vila time to head for the church.
After surviving hand to hand with these two bruisers Jemma dispatched both of them clinically before she herself was taken out by the vengeful Servalan.
Peek a Boo!Zap!
Villa had taken advantage of his cover to dispatch the last guard in front of him giving him the opportunity to sprint towards the church with Servalan in hot pursuit.
And he's off!

Package purloined and now time for the off !
Villa had entered the church,picked up the package and as he was teleporting away glanced at the furious Servalan who was just entering the building.One up for the resistance!
I'm sure that when Villa arrived back at the Liberator he spun a tale where no doubt his heroism came to the fore especially with no one to argue with his telling of the tale.
Tune in soon for another Garvald Production.
Rules used this evening were 7TV and hopefully by the third game we'll have mastered them.

All figures,scenery and scenario provided by Colin Jack's film company.

See you all soon.

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