Wednesday 5th January
Sleepy Venice |
E di Nuovo. |
A non playing boat. |
Rather than waste a beautiful set up,El Presidente for life decided to run another IHMN game based in Venice,this time with three players venturing into town looking for several loot counters.I would say loot counters very loosely as the contents of these counters were either weeping angels,vampires or deed bodies!Welcome to Garvaldian Venice.
Coming under the allure of a vampire. |
“What the f**k”in Italian. |
Run ashore. |
Colin’s Ragazzi. |
Tonight’s three teams consisted of the Regia Marina(Italian sailors)who were under my watchful eye.,The company of St Mark(which consisted of Corte Maltese and a few of his female cohorts)guess who had control of them?and a very young Mussolini and his early Fascisti followers,in the hands of our Andrew.Well at least they were Italian rather than last week’s Chinese and Egyptians.
“Oh hello there!” |
The Fascisti frolic. |
And find a deed body. |
Tonight’s game was a bit curtailed due to an extra long pizza break and early work commitments the following day.As usual the game started off with everybody heading for the nearest loot counters and on my first turn one of my sailors climbed to the top of the nearest building and surveyed the loot counter situated on the veranda only to find out that it was a weeping angel.Not good.For once the angel was not up to the task as for when the sailor charged into combat a struggle ensued which for once went the sailor’s way as although they grappled for a few turns the angel couldn’t defeat him.
Il Duce discovers a vampire. |
Divide and conquer. |
Shot in the back. |
My tactics like last week were for to split my force in two and hopefully conquer so therefore my Teniente and a few matelots broke off from the main group whose object was to overcome Corte Maltese and his minions.Corte Maltese decided to head for the loot which was lying in the bandstand,he promptly arrived,turned the counter and lo and behold he came face to face with a vampire.This vampire proceeded to mesmorise and and after coming under its spell proceeded to take a pot shot at one of the sisters of the orphanage and although he didn’t do any damage I bet it p’d her off.
Nothing to see here-yet! |
Doing what the vampire tells you. |
My lads decided not to mess about and quickly started taking potshots at Andrew’s Fascisti but alas no hits.Andrew returned the compliment and although didn’t hit any of my men crossing the bridge he took a shot at the fracas that was going on between the sailor and the weeping angel and lo and behold he hit the weeping angel killing it in the process.That got my sailor out of a very sticky situation to which he took full advantage and legged it.
Slugging it out. |
It’s amazing who you meet on a gondola. |
El Presidente meanwhile didn’t take care of his vampire problem and of course it came back to bite him on the bum figuratively speaking for in the next phase it hit him with another mesmerising spell making him once again take a pot shot at one of his accompanying sisters.He really does know how to pee a woman off.
Waiting for Romeo. |
Andrew’s next fortune cookie for want of better words was the appearance of a vampire which although was a hindrance didn’t take him long to do away with leaving him the opportunity of splitting his forces so that he could deal with my incursion across the bridge.Andrew sent his minions across the bridge for a set too with my matelots but my rum infused lads held their own and the Fascisti began to fade away.The rest of my squad made for the centre of Venice disturbing yet another Weeping Angel on the way making them stop and take care of this usurper which was going to take most of the remainder of the evening.
Il Duce urges them on. |
Colin’s other girls were making their way around the canals trying to avoid the other two warring gangs whilst they hunt for other loot tokens,usually deed bodies giving them more victory points.This was going well for Colin until he came across a Weeping Angel biding its time on a gondola looking for €80 to pay the gondolier(that comes from personal speaking by the way).This turned into a bout of fisticuffs when two of Colin’s sisters decided to take the angel on.
About to be three in a boat . |
Boots to the fore. |
The curtailed game was coming to an end with most of the points going Andrew’s way even although my lads were dumping their gang members into the canal.A great game as always with once again another take on this fabulous Venetian scenery.Many thanks to El Presidente for putting the game on and I’d imagine the scenery will be used for other games.
See You All When I See You.
This has been a Garvald Film Studios Production!