Wednesday 5th December.
Tonight's Garvald Film Studio outing once again was an unusual production and that is saying something-must be the season.Colin emailed us all to say that their was a game at his house and it would be a Bolt Action game taking place in 1962 which got us all thinking of military incidents taking place in 1962.My suggestion was Algeria as Colin had plenty of French paras and Arab opposition.Nope,even more bizarre than that -The Man In The High Castle.Probably the first time the rules have been used for this Philip K Dick story.I wonder whwt will be next-Blade Runner?
The Rocky Mountain Line |
Mr Ray's Diner |
"Thar's Oil in them hills!" |
"Fill her up!" |
For all you people who havn't heard of the story cum Amazon Prime series,it involves a world where the axis have won the Second World War and have partitioned up America with the Greater German Reich situated on the American East coast with the Japanese Pacific States situated on the west coast with a neutral buffer zone between them basically to keep the two mistrusting powers apart.The game involved an attack on partisans ensconced in the Rockies with the evil Japanese Empire coming under the command of Dave O'Brien san whilst I took over charge of the law abiding Nazis.Mr Ray took on the guise of his fellow Americans giving him the chance to shout "Bobcats" throughout the evening as Wolverines has already been used-twice!
The Japanese strike out. |
My noble mountaineers. |
My home grown militia out to show the American way. |
The game kicked off in the usual BA style with units coming onto the board hoping to flush out the local resistance or in Dave's case,rushing on and charging toward the hidden enemy wherever they may be.Dave's Japanese came under fire from ambushing partisans and began to take casualties amongst his inexperienced infantry giving Mr Ray some hope albeit very small.
The first American resistance albeit with a Soviet machine gun. |
Never run up a hill! |
The usual consequences. |
Meine Junge after coming on to the board very cagely decided to go full pelt up the nearest hill looking to get their first objective. This squad of homegrown Americans decked out in German uniforms reached the summit fence and thought that their job was done but were met by a hail of machine gun bullets from Mr Ray's gutless squad who were hiding in the nearby wood and ended up just evaporating into thin air.First blood to the Bobcats.
Nonchalantly looking for targets. |
The best way to deal with snipers. |
In true Teutonic fashion revenge was exacted in the form of mortar fire which found its target and pinned them down allowing my mountain troops time to take aim and decimate the cowardly partisans.In the aftermath of this temporary victory my mountain troops charged up the same hill only for victory to be taken from them by the appearance of what could only be described as unwashed mountain men-an awful lot of them.Even although my men were hiding behind a fence they were mercilessly mowed down by the sheer weight of evil numbers.Things weren't looking good for the brave Germans.
How many Japanese can you get in a motorhome? |
The Japanese finally get across thr bridge. |
Right into the sights of the Bobcats. |
Meanwhile across the other side of the Rockies Dave's Japanese weren't haven't all their own way as first his squad of Japanese/Americans were mown down and eventually a second infantry squad went the same way even with the help of a dinky light howitzer.Dave's Japanese finally made it too the top of the hill albeit with an awful lot of casualties.
The mountaineers ably led by Clint Eastwood don't learn their lesson and make it to the top of that hill. |
Only to be confronted by a s******d of mountain men. |
Our Gothenburg Gamers Garvald splinter group were joined by another gamer midway through the evening,Andrew Easson who has just moved into the sleepy hamlet of Garvald.Andrew is like us an ex member of South East Scotland Wargames Club who finds himself a wee bit far out of town.Andrew came along and was immediately given charge of some of Mr Ray's hard pressed resistance as looking on in these games is not allowed.Andrew's first task was to rally some troops but his first roll was a double six and a FUBAR which resulted in his squad retreating away from the Japanese straight towards my Germans.Not the best of baptisms.
The result of Andrew's first ever Bolt Action dice roll. |
Right into my sights -only to be wasted. |
The mountain men consolidate. |
The Japanese reach the top of the hill. |
My last remaining squad must have thought that Christmas had come early but no Christmas had long gone as my remaining squad of German infantry quickly went the way of their fellow countrymen and headed for a sharp exit.My remaining forces decided to dig in and consolidate their meagre gains.
My remaining men's turn to consolidate. |
The game was coming to an early bath as Dave's men had cleared the top of his hill objective and the American partisans melted away into the safety of the Rockies.
More Americana. |
Live rock music every night. |
My HQ picking a new car. |
"You can have any colour you want as long as it's pink!" |
Waiting for a signal. |
Once again a great game put on with the excuse to show off some of Colin's Americana combined with old fashioned WW2 figs.
All figs scenery and scenario provided by our host Colin Jack who also provided us with some delicious Christmas fare-Chilli!
See You All When I See You,hopefully before Christmas.