Sunday 1st October
"Yes Campbell"
"How do you fancy organising an AK 47 game?"
"No problem"
"Only problem is that I wont be there."
And so the scene was set for a game desired by Campbell only for him not to be there -only in the gaming world.
So the scene was set for a giant AK 47 game without the main character but even without the main man we endeavoured to have a game enjoyed by one and all.Thirteen of us turned up for a great day of gaming and socialising and apart from a lot of bad dice rolls not a bad word was said.
The gang gather and not a carer in sight. |
Everybody turned up and after indulging in some bacon rolls and coffee sat down for a quick run through of a game that some participants hadn't played for nearly fourteen years.
The armies were divvied up and places on the table were randomly selected and the fictional land of Kuhani Chumvi(It seems that is Swahilli for Prestonpans) lay waiting to be carved up.When the game was played in the club all these thousands of years ago a lot of members had their own carefully constructed armies doing battle for the fictional land of Zetumsa(or one of the other various spellings) and at the end of their various struggles Derek Hodge was crowned El Presidente for life of which he kept on informing us of throughout the day.
Airport with a Dakota ready for the off. |
El Porto |
Bia filled silo' |
Downtown' |
More Bia heading for thirsty drinkers. |
A sight for sore eyes |
Uptown. |
Two Dakotas ready for the off |
The game deviated from the usual game in order to allow for the large numbers of players in that everyone was deemed as an attacker hunting for object markers strewn throughout the table.
Jack wondering how he can win-usually by hook or crook. |
Politically correct-nah! |
The forces after being divided up were then diced for to see if they would arrive on the board from the start and I'm afraid there were a few groans amongst the participants as they realised that they were not getting a lot of units to start with.
The game is based on the struggle for Africa in the sixties and seventies with all the superpowers getting involved and making sure that the continent was not going to be peaceful.All the forces were named after the types of forces that were the norm at the time ranging from Colonial settlers to religious dictators.Most of the armies tended to be settlers along the line of the Rhodesians with others among them including Our Jack taking the form of religious nutters.Bill Mitchell and Bob Stewart brought up the rear in the form of Superpower client backed force which basically meant mercenaries.
Some of Dave P's dinky Italians |
Dave Mitchell's forces ready for the off. |
My brand new painted Ratels |
The game as is the usual for these multiplayer games started off with everybody rushing off towards the nearest point marker with everything at their disposal.Off course this led to a few initial sparring matches taking place with our favourite rockstar Mr Ray not coming of too lightly.In fact eventually we had to bring on some airpower to help alleviate his problem.Colin Jack was repeating his tactics from our rehearsal the previous Wednesday by having his Centurians turned into scrapmetal.
Colin's new tub of junk |
Mr Ray's lads heading for glory. |
Maybe's Aye Mabye's No! |
Mig 17 to alleviate Mr Ray's woes. |
In the north of this land Bob who was playing his first game had been sandwiched between Dave Patterson's Italian expats and Donald's typical skulking Rhodesians and although started of ok began to have his forces depleted which was a bummer because they were my toys.
Hiding behind the Bia |
And Derek's lads are still doing their YMCA practise. |
Bill Gilchrist and Martin Gibson were initially sparring down the east of our fictional land and once again my toys this time in Martin's hands were not doing to well.
Martin looking for somewhere for cover for his beleaguered forces |
Bill Miller and Dave Mitchell had come to an agreement not to attack each other much to the chagrin of Derek Hodge who was the target of their joint venture.Something would have to be done about these two but that would have to wait for the second half.
And there goes the first of my newly painted Ratels |
Jack Glanville who with Dave O'Brien were our main go to guys for gameplay and rules was charging in his usual way towards his object of securing the point markers situated around the country's airport.
The fighting raged until the gorgeous Michelle came through from the bar like the dominating house mistress and told us that lunch was served and like thirteen schoolboys we all trooped into the bar to enjoy a nice lunch washed down by some home made ale.
El Presidente arrives for some surfing |
Whilst his lads do the dirty work |
The afternoon's play resumed with me declaring the entrance of the benign dictator of this glorious state backed up by his faithful followers and a solitary tank.This should be enough to drive a wedge between Bill and David's alliance.
Apache looking for targets |
We all continued with our remaining forces and proceeded to witness the grand battle that was evolving in the middle with Jack.Colin.Donald and Dave O'B fighting for mastery of the centre with Bill G and Dave P sniping at the edges as well as Bob's lads.Mr Ray had settled down to watch the news on his phone as his forces had evaporated.He was eventually given a couple of tanks as a token gesture.
Jack's Ju-Ju juice intoxicated forces |
Fight for the fuel dump and it didn't explode |
Dave O'B seeing off Mr Ray |
An awfully lot of people wanting short-stay carparking |
In the south my newly arrived lads had come to grips with Bill's army leaving Dave room to move on and hunt for glory.Since the weight had come of Derek's forces he headed straight for the glory in the form of point markers in the harbour.His forces didn't come off unscathed though as his forces in the railway station were wasted.
Derek's ditherers |
Oh Baby!Hibs jersey and all. |
Peaceful harbour-not for long. |
Bill Miller and I went at it hammer and tongs and by the end of the scrap I was left with only one unit left standing albeit with their leader still alive leaving a lot of casualties and burning tanks around him.
Martin's Technicals going for the last hurrah. |
Bob's lads looking for some rich pickings |
A big stramash |
Dave O'B's forces doing some urban cleansing. |
Dave P's guys with a life preserver by the look of it. |
The game drew to a halt with everybody going for the elusive point markers that would give them victory.The game ended and after all points were added up Derek Hodge was found to be victorious with Jack Glanville sneering at him.
Bill M's T55 perculating nicely |
And there goes the other one. |
A great game had by one and all and it showed that it is possible to have a pleasant game with thirteen grown up schoolboys.My thanks to Dave O'Brien,Jack Glanville and Derek Hodge for all their figs and scenery some of which hadn,t seen the light of day for a a few years and the rest of the lads Colin Jack,Bill Miller,Bill Gilchrist,Dave Patterson,Donald Adamson,Dave Mitchell,Martin Gibson and Bob Stewart for helping to make it a great day.
And Campbell you missed a great day.
Hopefully the Gothenburg Gamers will be getting together soon for another great game this time involving Pirates or Gangsters(another one of Shug's likes).
See You When I See You.