Place- Once again Northern Algeria
Time-19fiftyodds +1week.
Le Bataille est Terminee. |
Back to the casbah this week with another chance for the French Paras to evict the locals from their meagre abodes this time with two new colonels in charge namely Comrade Gilchristi and Le skulker hoping to improve their tres petit chances.I was expecting them to crawl towards the village but they charged right in but they were just flattering to deceive.
The Peaceful Hilltop. |
With The Peaceful Village Underneath. |
And the picturesque Oasis. |
I deployed our freedom fighters into their positions so that the evil colonists would have to dig them out and waited until they were up close and personal before we sprang our traps.The evil colonists arrived into the village and emptied their trucks full of paras in order to scourge the village of innocent civilians but they had all been sent into hiding in order for our glorious resistance to halt the imperialists.The paras came into contact with one of our heroic squads in a nearby courtyard and proceeded to waylay them but not without taking casualties themselves.If they were going to take the village it was going to cost them.
Here Come The Evil Colonists. |
Crawling On Their Bellies. |
Roaring Like A Lion. |
Just as the French were crowing over their “inevitable “victory one of squads rushed the armoured car,put it on fire which was quickly extinguished and then caused to break scurrying back towards their start line by their rolling of a double six causing a FUBAR,bit of French stereotype there.No sooner had the squad waylaid the armoured car when they proceeded to do away with the para squad hunkering down in a nearby courtyard.
Looking Like The All Conquering Hero. |
Sneaking Through The Oasis. |
Playing French Tunes At The Captured Radio Station. |
The very sneaky imperialists tried to catch us unawares by dropping a squad of paras behind the village hoping to destroy our mortar and take some property not belonging to them.This only drew the ire of our armoured vehicle which was waiting for such a ploy.As soon as the paras landed in the oasis they were engaged by a brace of machine guns making the paras all eat sand and keeping them immobile for the rest of the game as comrade Gilchristi couldn’t move them for love nor money.
Attacking With Guns ,Stones And Dice. |
Helping The Besieged. |
Cowering Behind Cover. |
The very unentente cordial decided that since they’re slow moving squad at the rear had had enough rest after taking over the radio station they would move forward to evict a few small squads from the outlying buildings of the village hopefully without casualties.That plan didn’t last for long as one of our hidden squads opened up on them as soon as they broke cover doing away with one of the paras in the process.This stopped them in their tracks and forced them to turn round and engage my heroic freedom fighters.The very unlucky freedom fighters were done with without pity but took a few of the imperial lackeys with them in the process.This forced the remaining paras to cower in the building remaining there for the remainder of the game.
Our Valiant Armoured Support. |
Avant! |
Et Apres! |
The French support had taken over a nearby field and set up their support weapons in set field where again they remained for the remainder of the game taking cowardly shots at my lads who were minding their own
Run Away! |
Ambushing Des Paras. |
The Oasis Crawlers Coming To A Halt. |
business.We did fire back at them but only when they were fired at by the enemy.The French also thought to try and bring their retreating armoured car back into the fray but alas as soon as it appeared near the village again the freedom fighter bazooka team hit it,forcing it a halt and immobilising it in the process.
Beginning To Laugh At The French. |
Slowly Making It’s Way Back Into The Fight. |
The French Covering Their Backs. |
The writing was on the wall for the evil overlords as their infantry and armour had no intention of moving to contact leaving their support teams to take occasional cruel pot shots at our lads who were just going about their daily duties.
Still Clueless. |
Another stagnation for the French who were jumping for joy when they heard the result was a score draw.Herr O’Brien would be having a heart attack.
Great game played with the usual hot air blasting out from both sides.I personally preferred Bolt Action rules as it makes the game go quicker unless you have the Unentente Cordiale on the other side.All figures,scenery and scenario with the exception of a couple of squads pressganged from my Cuban militia squads.Scifi next week probably using Xenos Rampant rules.
Flattering to Deceive. |
This has been a Garvald Film Production.